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The Struggle of a New Mother as a Freelancer

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07 Jul 2022

The work-life is never easy & it is way more difficult when the working person is a mother. The struggle of a new mother as a freelancer is tougher than any other person. How? Let’s get into the details:

The struggle of a new mother being a freelancer

The responsibility just increases & this has no limit.

The work pattern & schedule gets erratic.

Work life balance becomes tough when the baby needs special care.

The stress increases when there is no helping hand.

When there is financial need & work just can’t be sidelined.

The quality of work has to be adjusted due to the family pressure.

Meeting deadline while the baby is sick.

Concentrating on work while there is hormonal change.

Facing criticism due to working leaving the kid unattended for moments.

Not being able to take care of her mental health.

So, what can be done? How such problems can be solved? Here are few options:

There should be some savings specifically made to run at this moment taking a break from work.

Work assignment with flexible work opportunity should be taken up if it has to be taken up.

There should be availability of one support member for her & the kid.

The “let it go” mindset should be cultivated incase of letting go of some work opportunities.

The in-laws or the spouse should play very cooperative role in this regard.

These are some ways to reduce the struggle of new mothers working as freelancers. If you need further clarification about it, we will be more than happy to welcome you.

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